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Do you need a uniform part? Please get in touch with the Referee Uniform Staff at ref-uniforms@ayso13.org for help.
In 6U-8U, you referee your own game. Referees, please arrive 30 minutes early to prepare.
For 10U, 12U, and 14U
- Review the Scheduling Guidelines and self-assign for your teams responsibility via the Referee Scheduler on inLeague.
- Request a mentor.
- Remember to write your team’s ID (e.g. B14U04) on the game card so your team gets credit.
- Use the QR code on the bottom of the card to report results.
Referee Youth Soccer in Pasadena
Welcome to the exciting world of soccer refereeing!
Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes during a soccer game? Who ensures fair play, upholds the rules, and keeps the game running smoothly? Well, that’s where referees come in!
Without referees, there is no soccer. Everyone refereeing at your child’s game is a volunteer. We invite you to join us in this fun and fulfilling experience.
We are here to help you on the journey:
- An overview of Refereeing
- Referee Training Home
- Why I Referee
- Referee Staff
- Player Referee Organization (PRO) Youth Referee Program
- Laws of the Game
- Respect the Referee Policy
- Ask the Referee
- Referee Resources
- Remember: there are scheduling rules
- Please self-assign your game based on the rules by logging in to InLeague, by 12 noon each Thursday