All AYSO Regions are entirely run by volunteers. Everyone you meet that helps to run the region is a volunteer. In all of AYSO, there are 18 paid employees and they all work in the home office in Torrance.

There are many meaningful ways that you can contribute to your local community soccer program. Our volunteers contribute to their community with their time, energy and commitment to being a part of the change they want to see.

Below we outline what the various roles in the soccer club so you can evaluate where your particular set of skills and interests would best fit. If you are interested in becoming a member of the board or a particular role outlined on this page please email the Regional Commissioner at

Team volunteers

Coach, Referee, Team Manager: See the main Volunteers page

AYSO Region 13 Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the top-level leadership of the region and coordinates the activities of all of the other volunteers. All of the top leadership of the region are members of the board. The board meets once a month, on the first Thursday of the month at 7:15 pm. The meetings are held on Zoom and anyone is welcome to attend and participate. You can find the Zoom link on the Regional Calendar. The board uses email, Slack, and text messaging to communicate. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join our Slack.

Executive Board of Directors

AYSO requires all of its regions to maintain an executive board with the following positions:

Regional Commissioner aka the RC

The RCs job is to manage the region and all of it’s volunteers. The RC is responsible for all aspects of running the region and has the final responsibility for all volunteers, players and parents in all aspects of our year-round programs. The RC is also responsible for participating in the board of the local Area – Area 1/C and with AYSO National when needed. The RC is also responsible for running and chairing a monthly Regional board meeting.

Deputy Regional Commissioner (DRC) (optional role)

The Deputy Regional Commissioner (DRC) is often a former regional commissioner who is sticking around to assist the current Regional Commissioner. The DRC assists the Regional Commissioner with any projects or programs where the RC needs an experienced hand.

Regional Coach Administrator (RCA)

The RCA reports directly to the RC. The RCA has responsibility for all aspects of coaching and training for coaches inside the region. The RCA has a wide area of responsibility and great latitude in terms of how they complete their role. The RCA is often an experienced coach who has previously been a DCA (Division Coach Administrator). Knowledge of the policies and procedures for how Region 13 operates is an important aspect of this role, along with a passion for coaching and the importance of coach instruction and mentorship.

Regional Referee Administrator (RRA)

The RRA reports directly to the RC. The RRA has responsibility for all aspects of refereeing and training for referees inside the region. The RRA has a wide area of responsibility and great latitude in terms of how they complete their role. The RRA is often an experienced referee who has previously been a DRA (Division Referee Administrator). Knowledge of the policies and procedures for how Region 13 operates is an important aspect of this role, along with a passion for refereeing and the importance of referee instruction and mentorship.


The Treasurer has responsibility for managing the accounts payable and accounts receivable for the region. They provide financial reports to the Regional Board and to the National Finance Department. The Treasurer also manages the yearly budget process and is a key to regional decisions that impact revenue or expenses.


The Registrar plays a big role in Region 13. They are the Keeper Of The Data and are provide all of the other members of the Board with key information regarding player and volunteer registrations. They manage the registration system, distribute data to other volunteers, track and forecast enrollment, and provide revenue data to Treasurer. They make sure everyone signs their waivers and gets their background check. They provide player and volunteer info to coach and referee staff. They record and track player assessments.


The Secretary attends the regional board meetings and records board meeting minutes. They distribute those minutes to the board members for approval and distribution. All board meeting minutes are publically available.

Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate (CVPA)

The CVPA works with the RC, RCA and RRA and is responsible for ensuring that all coaches, referees and other volunteers are properly trained and certified each season and for each role, that volunteer is participating in.

Safety Director

The Safety Director has broad responsibility for the safety of players, coaches, referees and all other volunteers in the region. They assistant any players, coaches or referees who experience an injury during an AYSO sanctioned event.

General Board of Directors

The following board positions are general board positions that are not required by AYSO – but are absolutely key to running a large AYSO Region.

Volunteer Coordinator / Team Manager Coordinator

The Volunteer Coordinator is responsible for organizing the general volunteers in the region for things like running tournaments and for staffing the information tent on game days. They also coordinate the Team Managers. Team Managers play an important administrative role on most AYSO teams. The team manager coordinator conducts the team manager orientation meeting. Revises and send information packets to managers. Receives questions and requests from managers and routes them to the appropriate board member. They attend monthly board meetings and send regular emails to team managers to inform them of happenings in the soccer league. They contribute messages to the Communication Director for the newsletter. They inform the RC, RCA, or RRA of any potential problems, real or perceived. They supervise the Picture Day Coordinator and the Awards and Trophies Team. 


The Auditor is responsible for assisting the Regional Commissioner in their fiduciary responsibilities.

Division Coach Administrator (DCA)

Division Coach Administrators are truly key to running the region. We have DCAs for each division. They are responsible for confirming coach, referee, and team manager volunteers that volunteered during the registration process, and for recruiting new coaches that didn’t volunteer during the registration process. They manage the team formation process for the division including collecting and confirming ratings information for players. They communicate with the coach volunteers in their division and provide them with any information and assistance they need. They also provide information and assistance and confirm that all of the volunteers in their division are properly certified and trained for their volunteer roles.

Division Referee Administrator (DRA)

Division Referee Administrators are truly key to running the region. We have DRAAs for each division. They are responsible for confirming referee volunteers that volunteered during the registration process, and for recruiting new referees that didn’t volunteer during the registration process. They communicate with the referee volunteers in their division and provide them with any information and assistance they need. They also provide information and assistance and confirm that all of the referees in their division are properly certified and trained for their volunteer roles.

4U/5U Program Coordinator

The 4U/5U Program Coordinator is responsible for running the preschool program. The program coordinator is responsible for coordinating the parent volunteers and the professional trainers that work with the players. The program coordinator communicates directly with the families of the players, divides the players into playing groups and supervises the training each week.

Upper Division (UD) Coordinator

The Upper Division (aka UD) Coordinator is for players in the 16U and 19U divisions. This program is an Area program which means that the decisions about how the program runs are decided by Area 1/C. The Upper Division Coordinator acts as the DCA for these age groups and represents the Region to the Area program. The Upper Division Coordinator is responsible for coordinating with the RC and RCA to choose coaches, coordinate the team drafts with Area and answer questions from coaches and parents about the program. They also work with the UD Referee Coordinator to coordinate the referees from Region 13 that participate in the Upper Division program.

Upper Division Referee Coordinator

The Upper Division Referee Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the Region 13 referees that participate in the Area 1/C Upper Division program. These referees are all Intermediate, Advanced, or National badge referees that have spent considerable time to reach a level of competence in their refereeing that allows them to keep up with the play of the older players in the Upper Division program.

Winter Stars Director

If you’d like to be the Program Director, then you get to call the shots! What usually happens is it starts with a great deal of enthusiasm, and then peters out after a while. Regular communication keeps the parents engaged, and then we cut it off after 8 weeks, so everyone has a break before the next sports season.

  • A weekly email helps build a culture of continuous improvement, for the program, the parents, and for the kids. Winter Stars parents need a weekly email to remind them to show up (and to reflect on what was accomplished in the previous week), calendar invitations, etc.
  • Coordinate trainers with Launch.
  • Decide how to set up the field and help kids find a game they will enjoy.
  • Be the responsible adult representing AYSO. Supervise and guide coaches at the field.
  • Some AYSO coaches will also want to get involved, so there will need to be a signup sheet, and indoctrinating them on the spirit of the program — let the kids play, and introduce skills or demonstrate tactics during natural stoppages.
  • There are bownets and pinnies and balls to bring from the clubhouse, so … also a signup sheet.

Grad Series Director

The Grad Series Director makes decisions that define the Grad Series program, ensuring it meets the goal of preparing U8 players for U10 in a fun and supportive environment.
  • Work with Registrar to set up signups
  • Invite families to register to play, coach, and referee
  • Confirm volunteer
  • Invite volunteers to training (at the Section 1 Roadshow, 1st Saturday after the Rose Bowl, at Arcadia HS)
  • Assign players to balanced teams
  • Schedule games
  • Work with Coach Staff to coordinate curriculum and schedule skills clinic trainers
  • Attend Board meetings and ask for help
  • Work with Equipment Manager to order uniforms
  • Convene pre-season briefing for volunteers and parents
  • Handle issues with fields and uniforms in collaboration with respective coordinators
  • Answer or redirect questions from parents

Director of Advanced Play

  • Oversee All-Stars coach and player selection process.
  • Coordinate schedules and participation with Area and other regions.
  • Coordinate uniform orders and field reservations.
  • Coordinate League Championship participation

Spring Cup program manager

EXTRA program manager

EPIC program manager

Tournament Director

Director of Coach Instruction

Organize the coach classes

Task: Plan 2 or more coach training events before the Core season starts. Confirm certified Coach Instructors for Safe Haven, 6U, 8U, 10U, and 12U classes. Reserve a venue and bring coffee and donuts. Work with the Treasurer to settle expenses. Work with the Communication Director and RCA to publicize the events.

Vendor contacts: Odyssey School, LaSalle HS

Director of Referee Instruction

Organize the referee classes

Referee Assignor

Communication Director

Reinforce the Region 13 brand identity to promote the community’s unique culture and values. 

Task: Publish the newsletter, edit the web site, edit email templates, and help program managers communicate with members. Attend board meetings to inform leadership about best practices. 

Events Director

Plan and supervise the kickoff dinner in August and the holiday awards dinner in December.

Task: Work with the Treasurer to book the site and vendors and allocate funding the events. Work with the Registrar and Communication Director to recruit volunteers. 

Uniform & Equipment Coordinator

Choose uniform styles and purchase them from the vendor.

Task: Work with the Treasurer to place the order. Obtain enrollment forecasts and team counts from the Registrar. Arrange for delivery and distribution to teams. Place a preliminary order around June 15, a revised order July 15, and a final order in August. Work with Team Managers to distribute at Uniform Pickup Day. Try not to drive Zeeni crazy.

Fall league (Core, 4U5U, UD, VIP) Order in June & July for August delivery 
Choose designs and place orders
Upper Division colors are white, red, gold
Coordinate delivery and distribution from the clubhouse
Reorder additional or different sizes if needed (keep incrementing the number so you can reuse the old ones)

Sweatshirts (All Stars) December for January/February Programs
Order sweatshirts for All-Stars teams. We use the same design every year, so check and replenish the inventory.

Winter Stars
Work with graphics designer on a new design
Get the size estimates from the Registrar in December
Order shirts from Ellen’s Silkscreening

Grad Series Uniforms (order in December for January for February program)
Choose solid color uniforms and place orders

All Star Uniforms order in November for January delivery 
Design uniforms (you get to be a little fancy here: white, red, gold)
Get sizes from Registrar

Spring Uniforms order in February for March delivery 
Choose designs and place orders for Spring League and Spring Cup
Get sizes from Registrar

Vendor contacts: Zeeni Uniforms, Ellen’s Silkscreening

Provide each head coach with team equipment bags and repair or replace shared equipment.

Purchase equipment: Bag, first aid kit, extra cold packs, 3 soccer balls, ball pump, cones, pinnies, goalkeeper gloves, 

Organize a team to kit the equipment for pickup by coaches.

Awards and trophies team

Is shopping your super power? Yes? Well, all that bling ain’t gonna style itself. 

Time: Approximately 4-6 hours to prepare the shopping list, get a quote, and purchase end of season awards, starting in October, and then 8 hours at the end of the season to ensure all trophies, medals, and other awards/gifts are distributed to players and coaches. Add 4 hours of email in between to check on progress.

Task: Region provides trophies or medals, depending on the division. This volunteer will work with the Registrar and Division Administrators to decide how much and what to buy. Coordinate with the Treasurer director to place the orders. Coordinate with Division Administrators to distribute all awards items. Attend the October board meeting to confirm who gets what and how much it costs.


Players in the youngest divisions receive a personalized trophy. U4, U5, U6, U7, U8. Year, region and division should be printed on each trophy, and the player’s name. Misspelled nameplates can be reprinted.

The N teams with the most points in pool play in each competitive division B10, G10, B12, G12, B14, G14 receives a medal.

The playoff tournament winners in competitive divisions receive trophies. Some divisions have multiple flights; all flights award “Tournament champion” trophies.

The 2nd – 4th place teams in the playoff tournaments receive medals.

Picture Day Coordinator

Coordinate picture days with the teams and the photography studio. Coordinate with the Volunteer Coordinator and Communication Director to distribute the schedule.

Task: The volunteer position of the Picture Day Coordinator is to coordinate the volunteers and scheduling of picture day and makeup pictures for the region. Provide the photography studio with a list of teams, confirm picture days, assign teams to photo appointments, and attempt to reconcile schedule change needs.

Vendor Contacts: Lacey Wood Photography


