AYSO diversity, equity, and inclusion statement
AYSO commits fully to its founders’ legacy of diversity, equity and inclusion. Providing fun and enriching soccer programs is what we do. We welcome everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, social-economic position, ability or disability. Differences are respected and embraced. AYSO is proud to be at the heart of communities where all feel that they belong.
Region 13 diversity, equity, and inclusion policy
Soccer is more fun when everyone plays!
AYSO Region 13 invites you to join a community of children, caregivers, and volunteers to build friendships and play soccer. AYSO Region 13 promotes a culture that includes and values everyone, delivering a world-class soccer experience so that every player can thrive.
Our dedication to a more inclusive soccer community starts with identifying the need for the organization to improve.
- Equity and inclusion practices will be incorporated across coach training, referee training, and parent communication.
- Everyone plays in Region 13, regardless of a family’s financial circumstances.
- Team communities, comprised of players, coaches, referees, and caregivers, are supported in building one-on-one relationships among players and coaches.
- The Region 13 board promotes and monitors the culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion on an ongoing basis.
- We support and enhance player development by embracing the entire community around us.
Soccer is beloved the world over. By striving to develop the individual through inclusion culture, we are building a better world for all.
How will we implement this?
There’s a long to-do list, and this is a focus area for Region 13 in 2022. The club leadership is taking specific steps, starting with how the club communicates with its membership. There are also expectations of each parent, coach, referee, manager, and player. Region 13’s theme for 2024 is “Be the change you want to see in the world.” If you want to be part of that change, please write to info@ayso13.org.
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Change starts with building 1-on-1 relationships. All coaches are asked to review these best practices: Keep Girls In Sport