Grad Series 2025 Season Information


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Teams 1-4 are from Pasadena, teams 5 – 7 are from South Pasadena.

Arroyo is Arroyo North in South Pasadena at 649 Stoney Dr, South Pasadena CA.(can also look up Arroyo North Soccer Field on Google Maps)

The teams who play the first game at McKinley will need to collect a set of Bownets from the clubhouse each morning, and the teams who play the final game will return them.

Mar 1 – Final week

Since we only have South Pasadena Middle School field available for Saturday, the schedule will be cut down to 75 minute segments, starting at 8:30am. This means 25 minutes of warmup, then 50 minute games.
Time Field Home Away
8:30 SPMS B2 G1
9:45 SPMS B5 B6
11:00 SPMS G5 G6
12:15 SPMS B7 B1
13:30 SPMS G7 G4
14:45 SPMS B3 B4
16:00 SPMS G3 G2

About Grad Series

Grad Series runs for 8 weeks in January and February for 8U players as a transition to the 10U Divisions. Teams play 7 v 7 using a size 4 ball (change for 2024) on a 10U-sized field with goals and goalkeepers. All rules, such as the offside law, apply. 7U and 8U players planning to move up to 10U in the upcoming Fall are invited to play.

Grad series is for kids who will play in 10U for the first time in the fall (born in 2015 or just finished a season in 8U).

This year, it will be on Saturdays only from January – March. Teams will have a 45-minute practice, immediately followed by a 50-minute game.

Grad Series allows volunteers to become better acquainted with 10U as well. The 10U Coach Training Course (mandatory for coaches in Grad Series) and the Regional Referee Course (mandatory for referees in Grad Series) are required.

Since the program has a limited amount of player spots, sign ups are on a first-come basis, with those volunteering as a head coach, assistant coach, or referee given priority. Grad Series is one of our most popular programs and a favorite of the region. The development in Grad Series is tremendous and a great preparation for 10U.

Teams are selected and balanced based upon player evaluations from the previous Fall season. No requests for pairing with friends or classmates are accommodated – teams are formed on a “blind draw” basis, the same as Fall Season teams are formed.

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If you have any questions, please contact