Blair Upper Goal Assembly



There are two goals in the bin. Each is labeled with a color (10U and 10U). All the parts with the same color belong to the same goal.

Each piece has two color arrows that indicate which part it should join with. For example, a red 1 joins with another red 1.

Step 1: Find the 1-1 piece with the net attached. If the net is not attached, you will have to thread the top part onto the bar.

Step 2: Unroll the net, making sure not to tangle or let the net fall off the bar.

Step 3: Assemble the 11, 12, 23, 34, & 45 pieces on the ground. The clips on the 34 piece should face the sky with the closed part of the clips facing the center of the goal. Add the 56 piece so it is standing straight up, the clips should face the top of the goal, with the closed part facing the center of the goal.

Tip the goal upright so it sits on the 56 pieces. Attach the 67, 78, & 88 pieces to the back of the goal.

Step 4: Slide the net across the top of the bar, opening like a curtain. Hook the sides and bottom of net to the net clips.

Step 5: **IMPORTANT** Stake the goal with the hammer and stakes provided. Be sure to stake the net onto the back bar. Put the hammer back in the bag