- Boys 10U
- Boys 10U
- Girls 10U
- Girls 10U
- Boys 12U
- Boys 12U
- Girls 12U
- Girls 12U
- Girls 12U
- Girls 12U
- Boys 14U
- Boys 14U
- Girls 14U
- Girls 14U
- Rainy Days
- Rainy Days
- League rules (short version)
- Area 1C website – This will have the game schedule, referee schedule, field closures, rules
- Full set of Area 1C Rules
- Report your score here
- Standings – See your game results and standings
- Fillable game card, handwritten printable game card. Print on cardstock!
Other Key Dates
December 1, 2024, at midnight | Deadline to submit this form to be eligible to be selected for an All Star team |
Mid-December | All Stars Team Announcements (Nov 15 is the earliest possible date to announce assignments. Usually, it’s after the Thanksgiving tournament.) |
January – Mid-March | All Stars season, Games on Saturdays & Sundays |
General Information
Players from the Fall program in 10U, 12U, and 14U try out each October to participate on teams that represent Region 13 in the All–Star season (Jan-Mar).
Players Apply Here by Dec 1, 2024
Coaches Apply Here by Sep 15, 2024
The official game schedule will always be at the Area 1C All-Stars Page
To be considered for All-Stars, please register here. Registration does not guarantee a spot on a team.
Players selected for All-Star teams will hear from coaches in mid-December, at which time they will be given a separate link to confirm their spot and pay the All-Star fee which is TBD.
Players must register online to be considered for All-Stars and/or Thanksgiving Tournament teams. There will be two tryouts. Players are not required to tryout, but are strongly encouraged to do so. To be eligible for the Thanksgiving Tournament, players must fill out the online form by the deadline. To be eligible for All-Stars, players must submit a completed form by the Sunday after Thanksgiving at midnight. Players must have played in half of the core season games, including playoffs (the Rose City Cup), in accordance with Area 1-C rules. The sole exception is if a player is unable to play due to illness or injury or a change of residence from one Region to another.
Family volunteerism does factor into the selection of players for the simple fact that we must have Coaches and Referees (in particular) to run the All‐Stars program. A family with a Coach or Referee may receive priority placement depending on the need for volunteers.
Coaches are selected based on their track record of developing players during the core program, a reputation for positive coaching, and a history of going above and beyond to promote good sportsmanship. Ways you can demonstrate this during the core program are by using the correct game cards, reporting scores promptly, providing prompt and actionable feedback during the core season, helping with league events, and going out of your way to encourage the other volunteer coaches and referees. All-Star Coaches shall be required to obtain a coaching certification one level above the Division in which they are coaching.
Commitment to the Program
A key to the success of the program is the commitment to attend all practices and games. This commitment sometimes interferes with other activities. Please be aware of this potential conflict when deciding what is best for your child.
- Practices: There will typically be two practices per week during the All-Stars season.
- Games: There will be two games most weekends (including Sundays, and both the MLK and Presidents Day weekends). Rainouts may be made up on weekday evenings. Games begin in the middle of January and run through February, with playoffs one or two weekends in March.
- Travel: Travel in the San Gabriel Valley is required.
- Priorities: Players selected for All-Star or Thanksgiving Tournament teams must complete their Fall Season practices and games. The Fall team’s schedule takes precedence.
- Ages: 10U, 12U, and 14U
If you usually go skiing on weekends in January and February, let someone else have the All-Star spot.
Levels of Play
Participation on an All‐Star team allows players the opportunity to play at a level higher than the Fall season. All-Star teams from Region 13 compete against teams from Area 1-C, which is comprised of Alhambra, Arcadia, Boyle Heights, Glendale, San Gabriel, South El Monte, South Pasadena, and Temple City.
There are three levels of play (Section, Area, and Region) for each gender in 10U and 12U, and two levels (Sectional and Area) in each gender for 14U.
Section Team: There is one Sectional team. It is selected first and comprised of players with the strongest skills and ability to meet the All-Star commitments. The Sectional team is typically composed of older players in the division, but skilled younger players may be selected. The number of younger players on the Sectional team is limited to less than 30% of the team’s roster, rounded down. A coach wishing to select more younger players may appeal to a committee composed of the DCA of that division, the RCA, and RC. The Sectional coach shall select players from the division first, and no additional limitations shall be imposed as to which players he/she may select. Area and Regional coaches are not allowed to recruit players prior to the Sectional coach selecting their team. If it wins the Area 1-C playoffs at the end of the All-Star Season, the Sectional team moves on to the Section 1 playoffs, where it plays for the right to Represent Section 1 in the Western States Championship. .
Area Team: There is typically one Area team. It is selected second and it is typically comprised of younger players who have stronger skills and have the ability to meet the All- Star commitments. In 10U and 12U, the Area team is typically composed of younger players in the division. The number of younger and older players is specified by the Area 1-C Combined Area Program Rules. The Area coach shall select after the Sectional coach has selected and confirmed players and has no additional limitations on which players he/she may select.
In 14U, the RCA, the Advanced Play Coordinator, and the DCA for the corresponding division shall determine the number of Area teams that will be entered into All-Star play. If only one team is formed, the Area coach shall draft after the Sectional coach has selected and confirmed his/her players. If more than one Area team is entered into All-Stars play, the coaches of these teams shall draft from the available pool of players remaining after the Sectional coach has selected and confirmed his/her players.
Region Teams: There can be one or more Regional teams. These teams are comprised of both older and younger players and are balanced relative to each other. The play is quite competitive and provides players with a great opportunity to develop and enhance their skills. They, too, can participate in the Area 1-C playoffs if they finish as one of the top teams in Area 1-C.
If offered a spot on an All-Star team, a player may decline the invitation, however that player will be ineligible to be selected by another coach for All-Star play that season. If a player would like to appeal, the player’s family must submit an appeal to the Regional Commissioner within 24 hours of the offer. The Regional Commissioner may appoint a committee to evaluate the appeal, usually consisting of the RCA, DCA of that Division, the Advanced Play Coordinator, and/or the RC. A disinterested board member shall be substituted in case of a conflict of interest.
Teams formed for the Thanksgiving Tournament may be similarly divided into levels of play, but they are not known by the above names. They are simply referred to as Team 1, Team 2, etc.
Selection Criteria and Process
The selection of Thanksgiving Tournament and All-Star teams is a collective process, with all interested coaches having input. Players are selected based on their performance during tryouts, observation of players during fall season games, the needs of individual teams, player age, roster size restrictions, input from the player’s Fall coach, demonstrated commitment to the extra practices and travel required, family volunteerism, and the family’s track record of regard toward AYSO principles and values. This last factor is very important. It is possible that a skilled player will not be selected if, in the opinion of the coaches, a player or his or her parents are divisive or disruptive to team unity.
Please note that family volunteerism and reputation for teamwork also factors as one of the components for selection of players. For example, Coach and Referee volunteers run the All-Stars program.
Unfortunately, not every qualified player may be placed on a team. Only limited number of teams can be formed. Further, the coaches regrettably have only a limited amount of time to evaluate many talented players. It is difficult to decide which players to select. The coaches do their best and hope that in the event a player is not selected, he or she will nonetheless continue to work hard and to participate enthusiastically in the other programs offered by Region 13.
What can you do make your player a stronger candidate for all-stars? Become a referee! As far as we can tell, hiring a private trainer is no more effective than enjoying soccer so much that you’ll want to kick a ball against a wall for hours at a time, or go to the park with some friends to play a pick-up game.
Costs – Thanksgiving Tournament
The Thanksgiving Tournament fee is approximately $30-40 per player (varies by division and team size) and a referee deposit per player. These fees will be handled directly by the coach. The referee deposit will be returned if the team fulfills its referee and volunteer responsibilities. Note that payment for the Thanksgiving Tournament is entirely though the coaches, NOT the InLeague registration system.
Costs – All Stars
Region 13’s All-Stars program is independent from the Fall Season and is entirely self-supporting, per AYSO National policy. Families hoping to participate should plan on expenses for registration and local travel. The fee for 2022 is $150.
Region 13 All-Stars teams will be provided with uniforms, which are the players’ to keep. Players are provided with a Region 13 sweatshirt. AYSO does not allow names, nicknames, or other personal information to be displayed on uniforms or spirit clothing.
Tournament Season
After the All-Stars season, teams sometimes stay together or combine with other teams to participate in Spring Cup and/or various tournaments around Southern California during Spring and Summer. Each tournament has an entry fee per player, plus a referee deposit, and there may be travel/lodging expenses, all of which is separate from any Region 13 program fees. Check with your coach about his or her plans for your team, fundraising opportunities, and what you can do to make the tournament season an experience to cherish. In the event an All-Star team decides to stay together for tournaments, participation is entirely optional. Players may be added to replace those who choose not to continue on the team.
Region 13’s Advanced Play Coordinator is Samir Singh and he can be reached at samir@ayso13.org. The All-Star Season is run by Area 1C. You can find contact information at http://www.ayso1c.org and can direct questions to the Area Post-Season Coordinator at postseason@ayso1c.org.
Advanced Play expects parents and players to take more responsibility. Please refer to the full program rules here.