Information for Coaches Applying to Play in Tournaments

  1. Search for a tournament, which are listed here.
  2. Read the invitation and note the tournament fee, referee fee, and limitations on players, etc.
  3. Assemble your team. Many tournaments restrict eligibility to players who have played in the Fall.
  4. Are guest players allowed? If you would like a guest player, make sure that the other Region’s Regional Commissioner will approve
  5. Ask the Regional Commissioner for approval to play in the tournament.
  6. Collect payments from your team, which include the tournament fee + referee fee. If your team brings referees and meets your referee obligations, your referee deposit will be refunded.
  7. Payments should be submitted to the Treasurer. AYSO 13 will pay the tournament directly. Tournaments will generally not accept personal checks/credit card payments.
  8. Please email a list of players participating in the tournament to the Advanced Play Coordinator so they can provide you with a roster.
  9. Please submit the roster to the Regional Commissioner for a signature.